Anica Allen serves as Senior Warden of the Vestry. Anica has attended Saint George's Episcopal Church since November 2017. She is a member of the Zoom Guild, an occasional Acolyte, and part of the 7:30 family. Anica is also a software engineer who gardens, lifts weights, and cyclist (who sometimes bikes to church).
Vestry Term: January 2022-2025
Erika Gilmore returns to the Vestry after small hiatus. A member of St. George's since 2000, Erika has served in various capacities such as Finishing The Dream construction renovation committee, annual convention delegate, and choir member. In addition, Erika represents St. George's in the Diocese as member of the Standing Committee, the Resolutions Committee, and past member of the Campus Ministry Advisory Group. Erika is a seasoned construction and project manager by day, and strives to create a one day flourishing home garden by night.
Vestry Term: January 2022-2025
Dr. William Byrd...
Vestry Term: January 2023-2026
Vestry Term January 2025-2028
Vestry Term January 2025-2028
Vestry Term January 2025-2028