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"Make Disciples of All Nations"


Bible Study

Three Wednesdays - December, 2024

Join St. George’s this Advent season for a contemplative Bible study inspired by Rowan Williams’ Ponder These Things – Praying with Icons of the Virgin. Together, we will journey through three sacred Icons of Mary with the Christ Child. These icons have drawn the faithful into deeper reflection for centuries. As we prepare for the mystery of the Incarnation, we will set aside time for prayerful meditation and journaling, opening our hearts to the profound love and hope revealed in Christ. Come and ponder these holy images with us, as we wait with expectant hearts and draw closer to God’s presence in our lives.

Zoom: Meeting ID: 231 601 6023   Passcode: Dragon


Bible Study

Sunday Mornings

9:00 A.m.

Join us as we study the Gospel lesson for the following Sunday.  This study prepares us to listen more intently to the Gospel and the sermon provided the next Sunday.

Zoom: Meeting ID: 231 601 6023   Passcode: Dragon

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